Rethinking Drinking Book

The truth about alcohol is hidden in plain site.
Everyone is under the influence.
Whether we’re drinking or not.

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What's with the blue pills on the book cover, Craig?

The best way for me to explain the meaning of the blue pills (and red napkin text) on the cover is to reference this quote from another well-known dual-reality story line:

“This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the BLUE pill…and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the RED pill…and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more.”


The Matrix, 1999

What is this book about?

It’s a story about HOW and WHY our common understanding and use of alcohol creates a normal life experience of good times that sometimes unintentionally slip into not-so-good times.

What is the writing style of this book?

Smart, simple, funny, honest and nonjudgmental.

Is this a self-help book?

No. I consider this a self-awareness book. But since the Library of Congress only offers “Self-Help” as the closest category for this content in their Classification System for published books, that’s the reason you see “Self-Help | Alcohol” on the back cover.

Is this book easy to read?

Yes. The short chapters, fun quotes and simple illustrations make it relatable and easy to read.

How long will it take me to read this book?

There are 10 sections and 57 Chapters each with 2-facing-pages of text and illustrations that total 143 pages. I hear it takes less than 2 hours to read – depending on how often you pause to relate, wince and laugh about your similar drinking experiences and those happening all around you.

Why did you write this book?

I wrote it because I figured out how to explain to my teenage son (and to myself) about the popularity, purpose and pitfalls of drinking alcohol. And since everyone I talked to also really enjoyed how our story helped them see/hear/understand themselves and the people around them, I decided to write a book about it.

Is this book based on a true story?

Yes (mine, my son’s, your’s, everyone’s).

Who is the intended audience for this book?

Three groups:  1) Adults who have questions about their own relationship with alcohol, 2) Adults who have questions about a loved one’s relationship with alcohol, 3) Parents who want to learn how to explain alcohol in a way that their teenagers will hear them.

What are the intended takeaways from this book?

1) Laughter and wincing about the genius of the ‘Drink Responsibly’ slogan; 2) awareness of the seven limited beliefs we all have about alcohol; 3) understanding of the three independent teachers that make everyone under the influence of alcohol (every age, gender, lifestyle and location…whether we’re drinking or not).