Rethinking The Influence is a movement of awareness that is spreading around the world about the commonly underestimated influence of alcohol.
Our purpose is to reduce the growing number of people frustrated with the escalating effects of alcohol, and fill in the blanks for those struggling with traditional sobriety meetings, therapy and rehab.
We see the old divide was between drinkers and nondrinkers, but the new divide is between those unaware they’re under the influence of alcohol and those totally aware that everyone is under the influence of alcohol – drinking or not.
We know that alcohol affects everyone differently, so we don’t hide or brag about our past or present relationship with alcohol.
We know how mind-altering alcohol and habit-forming alcohol can be, so we don’t hold ourselves solely responsible for our alcohol-related accidents, arguments, or addictions.
We know that ‘Drink Responsibly’ is the most brilliant (yet, misunderstood, seductive and repeated) sales pitch ever created, so we don’t judge alcohol's widespread influence on many people.
We know that increased understanding about the entire influence of alcohol is far more effective for lasting change than increased policing and preaching about alcohol, so we don’t blame our lawmakers and educators about the huge number of underage and adult drinking-related messes that occur.
Our greatest pleasure is the joy of understanding.
Our new awareness and improved relationship with alcohol is leading a worldwide change that will become one of the greatest before and after culture shifts of all time.
-We are Rethinking The Influence
The Simple Summary of A.A. Meetings and Traditional Therapy
Alcoholics Anonymous is the social practice of:
✓ Responsibility
✓ Humility
✓ Accountability
➢ Purpose: Support for quitting drinking altogether.
Traditional Therapy is the privately guided exploration of:
✓ Current Thinking, Feeling, Behaving
✓ Desired Thinking, Feeling, Behaving
✓ Current and Desired Thinking, Feeling, Behaving Triggers
➢ Purpose: Support for healing the cause of excessive drinking.
3 things eventually happen when fumbling around in the dark with
Sobriety Meetings and/or Therapy Sessions long enough:
✓ You find the light switch and see your way forward to the life you’ve always wanted
✓ You give up and get used to living in the dark
✓ You give up and go back to drinking
The Foundation that’s missing from A.A. and Therapy
The 3 WHAT’s, 3 WHERE’s, 3 WHY’s, 3 HOW’s:
WHAT is really making you frustrated about your drinking (or former drinking)
WHAT really starts your drinking change (permanently and easily moderating or quitting)
WHAT really makes your drinking change stick
WHERE you are with your drinking
WHERE your drinking is taking you
WHERE your “Drink Responsibly” place really is
WHY the influence of alcohol is the real problem you’re solving
WHY you didn’t pay attention to the warnings about alcohol sooner
WHY making your drinking change is simple to understand but not easy to do
HOW to use simple math to understand alcohol’s influence
HOW to take yourself off autopilot and get the life you really want
HOW to use your emotions like a map to free yourself from alcohol’s influence
The Solution is The Alcohol Relationship Reset Program
Introduction: The Reset Method
Class 1: The Alcohol Whole Truth Talk
Class 2: The Alcohol Influence Scale
Class 3: The Alcohol Relationship Merry-Go-Round
Class 4: The Alcohol Freedom Lifestyle
Conclusion: The Reset Worksheets
Maintenance: The Reset Illustrations