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What's the meaning of the blue pills on the cover?The blue pills and red napkin text represent a choice between the willingness to learn an unsettling truth by reading this book, or remain in the influenced reality that alcohol has created with its product and message. The Red Pill Blue Pill Concept is from the 1999 movie, The Matrix.
What is this book about?The book does not summarize the Reset Course or Reset Method. It’s the background story that inspired Rethinking The Influence. It describes how and why our common understanding of alcohol creates good, bad, and ugly experiences that we believe are a normal part of life as an adult (whether we're drinking or not).
Is this book a true story?Yes (mine, my son’s, your’s, everyone’s).
Is this book easy to read?Yes. The short chapters, fun quotes and simple illustrations make it relatable and easy to read/listen. The audio book is only 2hrs long. And if you're going to read along while listening, I suggest using a tablet-size screen or larger.
How does the story flow?The content breaks down as follows: Parts 1-2 The influence that everyone's under (no matter if we drink or not); Parts 3-8 The "Guided Tour" of our alcohol loyalty (no matter how baffling it gets); Parts 9-10 The way I explain it all to myself and my teenage son (without preaching, blaming, or judging).
Who is the intended audience for this book?Three groups: 1) Adults who have questions about their own relationship with alcohol; 2) Adults who have questions about a loved one’s relationship with alcohol; 3) Parents who want to learn how to explain alcohol in a way that their teenagers will hear them.
How do I get the Audio and Digital book versions?You can download a package that includes both the digital and audiobook versions of the book here. And the hardcover is available online from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
What are the intended takeaways?1) Laughter and wincing about the genius of the ‘Drink Responsibly’ tagline; 2) Awareness of the seven limiting beliefs we all have about alcohol; 3) Understanding of the three independent teachers that cause everyone to be under the influence of alcohol.
How does the Reset Method fit with the Reset Course?The Reset Method serves as an introduction AND a summary of the Reset Course. I created it because my experiences with Therapy and Rehab did not include either. But both would have been much more helpful if I was provided with a simple heads-up on my way in, and some sort of simple recap to take with me on my way out.
What are the Reset Method worksheets for?You can think of the 3 Reset Method Worksheets like 3 pieces of exercise equipment. You will fill-in the blanks and see: 1) What’s really making you question your drinking, 2) What really starts your drinking change, 3) What really makes your drinking change stick. Then, combined with the details you will learn about how you are mixing with alcohol in the Reset Course, the Reset Worksheets allow you to immediately begin practicing your way to the life you really want – with or without drinking.
What’s the simple description of The Alcohol Relationship Reset Course?First of all, this course is NOT about not drinking. It’s about understanding how the entire influence of alcohol is mixing with you, so you can make the informed choice about whether it’s possible for you to return to moderation – or if quitting is your only option – and then how to make your choice stick.
Why did you create The Alcohol Relationship Reset Course?This is the course I wish was available at three critical points in my life: 1) before I started drinking, 2) when I first started questioning my drinking, 3) when I first started questioning sobriety meetings and therapy sessions. The A.R.R. was not only inspired by my struggle, but also by everyone I’ve met over the last 15 years trying to make the typical one-size-fits-all drinking change advice fit with the life they really want to live.
Does The Alcohol Relationship Reset Course replace traditional sobriety meetings?The Reset Course is intended to accompany or replace traditional sobriety meetings – depending on your wants and needs. If you're seeking a structured, zero-tolerance, social approach, you’ll like using the Reset Course alongside traditional sobriety meetings. But if you’re frustrated by the lack of depth provided by sobriety meetings and want a more individualized strategy for change, the Reset Method/Course/Community is a stand-alone solution.
Does The Alcohol Relationship Reset Course replace traditional behavioral therapy?The Reset Course is intended to accompany or precede traditional behavioral therapy – depending on your wants and needs. The A.R.R. provides a foundational understanding about your relationship with alcohol, which sets you up to engage more effectively with therapy – if you choose to go even deeper with a therapist for understanding and healing. Basically, the A.R.R. saves you the time and money you’ll spend with a therapist just to identify the root of the problem that you really want to begin resolving.
How bad does my drinking have to be to get value from The Alcohol Relationship Reset Course?The Reset Course is beneficial regardless of how you perceive the severity of your drinking. It's designed to reveal the commonly overlooked influence of alcohol that everyone is under – drinking or not. Basically, the A.R.R. provides a simple understanding of the entire influence of alcohol in you and around you, so you can start consistently making the appropriate choice about your relationship with it that gets you the life you really want.
How long will The Alcohol Relationship Reset take to change me?As you progress with what this course reveals about alcohol, you will not be able to unsee it. That said, just like initiating a lifestyle change for weight loss, once you understand what exercises to do and foods to eat, it’s up to you to do what you learned to get the results. Simply put, the A.R.R. will change your thinking immediately, and your emotions and body changes will follow – depending on how much, how long and how often you were drinking, and how committed you are to practicing your way out of it.
I’m worried about my participation in The Alcohol Relationship Reset showing up on social media…will you keep our relationship private?Absolutely no need to worry. If at some point, you want to help spread the word about your success by providing a testimonial about the A.R.R., I’ll be glad to post it. Until then, your story is yours to share – not mine.
Is there a money back guarantee?The Alcohol Relationship Reset does not qualify for a refund due to the nature of immediate digital delivery. I stand proudly behind all of my content, and I firmly believe that if you do the work, you will achieve the change you desire. My intention is that you are happy with your purchase. If you believe that you’ve purchased the wrong package or have any other concerns, you may contact Customer Service thru the Connect tab in the top menu. Please note that all read/open logs will be provided to banks in the case of disputes.
What if the Alcohol Relationship Reset doesn’t work for me?I am certain, regardless of anyone’s challenges, no one is fundamentally broken. This course is designed to achieve real change – if you fully engage. However, if you’re struggling with severe issues, then please seek immediate medical help for a supervised detox before buying this course.
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